We have all types of electronics, whether it is for your personal use or for your business. Our prices are also very competitive.

Especially if you are planning on buying wholesale, we also have competitive export prices. In addition, our company offers you the most modern electronic devices with high-quality hardware.

If you want to buy any of these products like tablets, mobile phones, TVs, Cameras, Audio systems, Video Players, etc., we gladly serve you with our free delivery in Dubai, UAE.

Which electronic we sell will help you to enhance your business. Also, you can easily use these products, so your life will be more comfortable and enjoyable.

In this category of our online computer shop, you will find retail and wholesale prices in Dubai, UAE for these products.

By the way, we sell only brand electronics. If you have a big order or are a reseller after registration on our website, you can contact us to get a partner discount.

We can sell in Dubai, UAE, as well as internationally.


Apple iPhone 14 Plus

In stock

799,00 د.إ
SKU: 228113



Black, Blue, Pink